Environmental Sustainability

We will ensure long term sustainable value creation and preservation.
We are committed to preventing work-related injury and ill health among our employees and visitors to our premises and to providing a safe and healthy working environment. We consider that health and safety is a responsibility at least equal in importance to that of any other function of our business activities. Our aim is that we can fully engage all colleagues in developing and maintaining a robust health & safety environment so that they always go home safe.
We are taking steps to improve the working conditions and rights of the people in our global supply chains. We are committed to ensuring all aspects of our trading are ethical.
Committed to ensuring business-critical operations continue during a disruption, we have fully assessed the risks to business continuity and have developed effective control measures and robust disaster recovery plans.
Our goal is to be the best provider to our customers and the best customer to our providers. To ensure we can remain our customers’ preferred supplier, we will develop a supply chain which has sufficient breadth and depth to remain sustainable for the long-term.
In order to remain as a supplier of choice for our customers we need to ensure that the products we buy, the work that we do ourselves and the way we deliver to our customers all meet a consistent and high level of quality. We ensure this through our quality accreditations including IS0 9001, ASEN 9100 and ASEN 9120.
Experienced multi-product specialists
In-house state of the art processing facilities
Large fleet of bespoke delivery vehicles
Opening Times
Companies can play a key role in accelerating the transition to a climate-neutral and more sustainable economy. To play this role, however, they need governance practices that ensure they understand the impact of their activities on the world around them, and take society and the environment into account when making business decisions.
Anti bribery policy
Employee online safety portal
Anti slavery statement
Supply chain strategy team
Business continuity plan
Risk & compliance supply chain audits
ISO 9001
Continuous H&S management
Prompt payment assurance
Mindhealth integrated into H&S process
Cyber Essential Plus
AS EN 9100
AS EN 9120
Updated HR policies
Cyber security
ISO 14001
Our sustainability agenda contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Experienced multi-product specialists
In-house state of the art processing facilities
Large fleet of bespoke delivery vehicles
Value-added services provider
Standard, non-standard and customer-specific material
Opening Times
Social considerations:
- Equality, diversity & inclusion, race, gender
- Bullying, harassment
- Human rights, modern slavery
- Privacy & data security
- Anti-discrimination
- Employee assistance program
- Cultural heritage
- Mindhealth awareness
- Health & safety practices (for employees and the wider community)
- Supporting local communities
- Learning & development